Saturday, March 25, 2006

Eagle Bluffs on a Saturday Afternoon

My wife, son and I took a short trip this afternoon down to the Missouri River bottoms. The Eagle Bluffs Conservation area is a wetland that is a major stop on the migration routes of many birds. It's getting a little past the peak for the early migration, but there were a ton of Americal Coots, as well as lesser numbers of Northern Shovellers, Blue-Winged Teal, Buffleheads, Snow Geese, Canada Geese, and Mallards. Great Blue Herons, Redwing Blackbirds, a variety of sparrows, and a couple Redtail Hawks and vultures were hanging around as well.

Great Blue Heron

Blue-Wing Teal

Redwing Backbird

The famous record-sized Burr Oak

The Burr Oak survived the floods of 1986, 1993, and 1995, but is a perennial target of vandals. It also seems to be a party location.

We are fortunate here in Mid-Missouri to have several conservation areas around the Missouri River. Many of these areas have remained permanent wetlands following the floods of the 1980s and 1990s, and birdwatchers, casual visitors, and waterfowl hunters are the better for it -- not to mention the environment.


Jody Harrington said...

Beautiful pictures, Denis! I loved the blue heron and red-winged blackbird. Thanks for sharing them.

Unknown said...

Thanks for your gracious words. This represents one of my greater pleasures in life.

It seems that I never get down to Texas during a time of year when I can get out and take in the scenery.