Sunday, May 06, 2007

Facing criticism, evangelicals urge flock to adopt | - Houston Chronicle

Facing criticism, evangelicals urge flock to adopt | - Houston Chronicle:
"DENVER — Prominent evangelical Christians are urging churchgoers to strongly consider adoption or foster care, not just out of kindness or biblical calling but also to answer criticism that their movement, while condemning abortion and same-sex adoption, doesn't do enough for children without parents.

With backing from Focus on the Family and best-selling author Rick Warren, the effort to promote 'orphan care' among the nation's estimated 65 million evangelicals could drastically reduce foster care rolls if successful.

Yet sensitive issues lie ahead: about evangelizing, religious attitudes on corporal punishment, gay and lesbian foster children, racially mixed families, and resolving long-standing tensions between religious groups and the government.
My impression has been that evangelical groups have been doing more than most other groups in promoting adoption as an alternative. But having said that, as long as there are children in need, no one is doing all that is needed, and no one's job is done. And the third paragraph alludes to a significant stumbling block -- there has been a tendency for the very real needs of children to be eclipsed by issues held dear on all sides of the various debates.

The people promoting this initiative also recognize that not all can adopt:
"...Aware that adoption and foster care aren't for everyone, organizers are suggesting alternatives such as providing support networks for foster families, taking short-term mission trips and sponsoring orphanages. ..."
This is one area in which anyone can take part. The support of the entire community (be it local, regional, national, or worldwide) is necessary regardless of how many families are able to step forward and adopt.

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