Thursday, June 01, 2006

Thinking Christian

Thinking Christian:

Here is an interesting blog hosted by the Houston Chronicle. It is fairly new, but the author has posted on a few topics including how we can use The Da Vinci Code to engage others as well as a thoughtful piece on a bit of civil disobedience by Christians that made the news over the past week.

His piece on the Da Vinci Code concludes with this:
"...As a Christian is there anything that we can do about it? To stop it, no. Making a scene about it will only make it bigger. It is up to us to keep ourselves informed about what they are talking about, and informed on what the Bible says. We can't be experts on the Bible, leave that up to the Phd.'s, but if we at least know what is and what isn't in the Bible then we can be better informed to discuss these shows with others when the occasion arises."
I'll be checking back with this blog from time to time. It sounds like it will prove interesting.

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niebuhrian said...

The other piece not attended to in this brief quote is being attentive to the historical and communal structures that both gave way to the Bible and informed the traditions in later years...

grace and peace

Unknown said...

Could you elaborate?

niebuhrian said...

The "theological" contribution of the DaVinci code is in that through its pages it calls into question the tradition and history by which we live and breathe and have our being. It may have no historical merit, it may not be a truthful rendering of the post-crucifixion of Jesus, but it does ask us to question the things that have brought us to this point.

History is written by the winners. Tradition builds upon history by inscribing value to particular stories over others (i.e.-historically both the ten commandments and the beatitudes are valuable stories for our belief system, however traditionally (generally speaking) the ten commandments have been pushed forth as the standard of life rather than the beatitudes, how has this affected Christianity positively and negatively?).

I don't look at the DaVinci Code for answers, I look at it for questions. Why has the role of women been devalued in the church? What is the proper place for extra-canonical sources? What stories have been marginalized in the church through a sinful disposition towards power and a desire to control? Furthermore, what about theologians and communities who were ostracized for their beliefs (ie- gnostics, etc), are their thoughts or stories to be considered unvalued accounts of Christianity? What contributions can they make for a postmodern world that is prome to examine context as much as content?

I hope that helps elaborate a little more...

grace and peace