Thursday, February 16, 2006

Bread for the World: What is this Offering of Letters About?

What is this Offering of Letters About?:
"A movement of the Spirit is sweeping through nations of the world. In recent years—in churches, on campuses and in community groups across the United States—tens of thousands of Bread for the World members and other concerned people of faith and conscience have rallied together, raising their voices on behalf of hungry and poor people around the world. Those voices have been heard: Together we have helped win significant increases in effective development assistance to help reduce poverty globally...."
Bread for the World is gearing up for its annual offering of letters. These letters go to lawmakers in an effort to see that resources are directed toward poverty and hunger issues in the US and world-wide.

Bread for the World is a non-partisan Christian organization that "...seeks justice for the world's hungry people by lobbying our nation's decision makers."

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