Friday, February 23, 2007

Showers of Blessings

I had my first full shower in two weeks this morning, and I feel gooooood! I was actually cleared to get my foot wet on Wednesday, but I had to file an environmental impact statement before I could step in the shower.

My visit to the podiatrist went fine. It started off on a sour note as he unwrapped the ace bandage and removed the gauze. The first words out of his mouth were "Oh [expletive deleted]". It turns out that a pocket of fluid had accumulated under some dry, flaky skin and as soon as he confirmed that it did not come from deeper in the foot, he told me that it was a false alarm.

I am cleared for sit-down showers but still need to keep the weight off the foot. The stitches will come out next Thursday, and then I can start putting some weight on the foot. It will be good to resume a normal outdoor lifestyle to balance my daily routine sitting in front of a computer. Which reminds me -- I am going back to work Monday.

On the weather front, there are still patches of snow around, but we have had warming temperatures that have cleared the roads and parking lots. I can't remember a time in Missouri when we have had snow on the ground for 5 weeks. I'm ready for Spring -- and I suspect by the time it gets here, I'll be ready for bicycling.


Anonymous said...

Very good news. Glad you're progressing! Prayers continue for you ....

Michael Kruse said...

Great to hear! You should be getting back in to shape just in time for another Royals outing.

Unknown said...

Thanks kairos. Maybe the three of us (you me and Mike) can hit an early Royals game this season.

Mike -- Sounds like a winner! If I'm still on crutches I just might take the golf cart this time...

Anonymous said...

That would be very nice! First round of beers/cokes on me....

Because of the new kids, strangely enough, the easiest for me might be a mid week day game, but lets toss the idea around...