Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Customer Service 101 for churches

Customer Service 101 for churches:
Presbyterian Outlook (Free registration required to read the entire article)
"...Combatants believe their causes just and necessary. But I wish zealots would consider the impact of their fighting. Nondenominational churches are thriving on people driven away by relentless bickering within denominations.

So are restaurants serving Sunday brunch. ..."
This article by Tom Ehrich, an Episcopal priest, is not just about you-know-what. It is about all the trivial, arcane, and downright petty things that dominate our discussions and turn people off.

The sixth of the Great Ends of the Church (Book of Order, G-1.200) is "The Exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the World." What does our version of the Kingdom of Heaven look like to onlookers?

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